Sitting is Bad for Your Health!

Sitting all day is bad for your health
Sitting all day is bad for you and contributes to weight-gain – stand up for your health!

Do you sit all day? Sitting all day makes us more likely to gain weight – but recent studies show that sitting is linked to a range of serious illnesses. In fact, sitting all day appears to increase your risk of premature death, and recent research has found that women who stay seated for long periods of time every day are more prone to developing type 2 diabetes. Gulp!

What can you do if you sit all day at work? For a start, you could take regular standing breaks. See our article on being active in the workplace for more ideas.

You could also minimise the time you spend sitting while you are doing other activities. For example, if you’re talking on the phone or watching your kids in the park, stand up – you’ll burn double the number of calories and keep yourself a little bit healthier. Because your muscles have to work to hold you upright, standing increases your metabolic rate – which helps you manage your weight.

After all this reading about the dangers of sitting, I think I’ll take a well-earned standing break!

How to Beat Cravings

Take control of Cravings
Take control - don't be a slave to your cravings!

Cravings are an intense longing for a certain food – some of our clients report that they can actually smell, see and even taste the food that they crave.

Cravings are completely normal, with at least 60% of the population experiencing cravings at some point. However giving in to your cravings can seriously undermine your weight-loss programme. All the good work you’ve done with exercise and healthy eating could literally be undone in one craving-fuelled eating session.

We understand it’s hard to deal with cravings – so we’ve put together some coping strategies for when that overwhelming need for chocolate hits you.

Smash that Craving – Literally!

If you find a packet of biscuits in your hand – get mad and literally pound them into dust before you chuck them in the bin. Get angry at the food you crave!

You may worry about making a mess, but eating those biscuits will mess up your weight-loss plan. Smashing the food you crave puts you back in control – you are no longer a slave to the food you crave.

Have Something Else Instead

Do you find yourself wanting a sugary snack or a bar of chocolate? Have something else instead –  a nice cup of tea or coffee (without sugar of course), a drink of water, some fruit salad or a handful of trail mix.

Meditate your cravings away

If your cravings are linked to stressful moments in your life, you need to manage your stress levels without resorting to food. If something is bothering you, you need to deal with it – not feed it! If you crave junk food when you are sad or stressed, you need to an alternative response to these situations. When something stressful happens, try calling a friend, writing an email or posting a Facebook status update instead of automatically reaching for food.

Try meditating once a day. Choose a quiet place to sit comfortably, focus on your breathing and try to clear your mind of all negative thoughts. Concentrate on your weight loss goals – how you will feel and act when you’ve reached your target weight.


Exercise is a great stress buster and can help you beat your cravings. Get your shoes on and go for a power walk, put some loud music on and dance, or do a few dumbbell presses. Anything that gets your blood flowing and your heart beating faster is guaranteed to lift your mood. You could even do a few simple exercises whilst waiting for the kettle to boil to take your mind off your craving.

Get a Reality Check

Does the food you crave really taste that good? Does it really satisfy you? No. It doesn’t – it’s just your imagination. Usually, after we eat a food that we have craved we feel worse, not better. You might feel bloated, and guilty that you have not stuck to your good intentions.

The expectation that the food you crave tastes great is probably just your imagination – combined with the expectation of a quick sugar hit. Give yourself a reality check – focus on how you felt AFTER you gave in to a craving (bloated, disappointed in yourself etc.) and the craving may pass.

Distract Yourself

Most cravings only last for 20 minutes. If you can distract yourself by doing something positive during that time, the craving will pass. Clean out that drawer, do a crossword, send an email, phone a friend or go for a brisk walk. Before you realise it, the craving will have passed and you will be one step nearer your weight loss target.

Need more help with your cravings? Our Body Transformation Programmes include a text message service that can help you beat cravings. Contact us for more information – or just give us a call on 087 930 7575.

Mindful Eating

healthy eating & weight loss
Do you feel the need to clear your plate at every meal? Do you eat your food quickly? These habits can lead to over-eating and weight gain

Most of us are programmed to finish the food that is on our plate. We’ve been brainwashed since childhood into a fear of wasting food, and the meal isn’t over until the plate is clean. To make matters worse, most of us eat too quickly – we bolt our food down as if it’s our last meal and we eat “on the go”- too busy to sit and eat properly.

These habits lead to over-eating and weight-gain. Our body tells us that we’re full, but we don’t notice because our brain is saying “clear the plate!”, or we’re too busy concentrating on something other than the food in front of us.

Luckily you can take simple measures to help you eat more mindfully. If you pay attention to what you are eating, rather than just mindlessly ploughing through your food, you’ll be less likely to over-eat.

Before Eating

Only start eating WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY. This may sound simplistic, but many of us eat out of habit, or at the slightest feeling of hunger. Hunger is not something to be feared – it is a natural feeling, and you shouldn’t seek food every time you are hungry. On the other hand, don’t wait until you are over-hungry – as you’ll be more likely to overeat.

  • Never eat while standing up – always sit down to eat
  • Allow yourself at least 30 minutes to eat your main meals – set that time aside and do not rush
  • Put your food on a plate – do not eat food from the pan or straight from the worktop or the toaster
  • Do not over-fill your plate – leave 10% of your food off your plate and your stomach won’t even notice
  • Always have a glass of water with your meal
  • For main meals, set the table (knife, fork and glass of water)
  • Before you start eating, sit and take a few deep breaths
  • Take a sip from a glass or bottle of water before eating

While You Are Eating

  • Decide which bit of your meal looks the best, and eat that food first – don’t save it for last as you will be more likely to mindlessly plough through your food and eat more than you need.
  • Don’t slouch – sit up straight while you are eating
  • When you put food into your mouth, put your fork down and concentrate on the food in your mouth
  • Chew your food carefully before swallowing – enjoy the taste and texture of the food
  • Chew every mouthful of food
  • Swallow slowly – don’t gulp air with your food
  • Don’t talk whilst eating
  • Halfway through your meal, take a break for at least 2 minutes – sip water, and try to work out how much more food you will need to be full
  • If you start to feel full, STOP EATING
  • You DO NOT have to clear your plate – if you are full, stop eating

After Eating

When you are finished your meal, push your plate away immediately. Throw the remaining food away or carefully store it out of sight – ready for your next meal. Remember that you can eat again when you are hungry.

General Rules

Don’t be distracted while eating as you’ll be more likely to over-eat.

  • Never eat whilst watching TV
  • Don’t eat whilst driving
  • Don’t eat whilst talking or texting on the phone
  • Don’t eat whilst walking


  • Get ready to eat mindfully: Only eat when hungry, take a few deep breaths before eating, allow enough time to eat your meal and always sit down to eat
  • Eat Mindfully: Chew every mouthful, eat the tastiest looking food first, take breaks during your meal, sip water during your meal and stop eating when you are full
  • After your meal: Throw away or store any excess food, take some deep breaths and notice how full you feel
  • Remember that you can eat again when you are hungry

If you’re in the Shannon area and need help with weight loss, find out more about our services: contact us or give us a call on 087 930 7575.

Roast Salmon with Veggies

healthy meals for weight loss
Weight-loss diets shouldn't be boring! Fill yourself up with our delicious and healthy salmon recipe

If you’re watching your weight, try this delicious salmon recipe. Salmon makes a perfect main meal that can be used as part of your TurnTrim weight-loss diet. You could even cook extra salmon – use it as a centrepiece for lunch on the following day.

Salmon is a great source of protein – it is also high in healthy fats called omega-3s. Serve with plenty of vegetables and a dressed green salad, and your meal becomes a powerhouse of beneficial antioxidants and healthy nutrients.


  • Frozen salmon fillets (MSC certified if possible)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • Wholegrain mustard
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Red pepper


Add the frozen salmon to a roasting dish. Drizzle with oil. Rub wholegrain mustard into salmon fillet. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice over the top. Add lots of black pepper. Slice some red pepper and sprinkle over your salmon.

Roast at Gas Mark 5 (190 deg C) for 25 minutes.

Serve with boiled or steamed vegetables and a large green salad.

If you enjoyed this recipe, why not like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter for regular healthy recipes and weight-loss tips. If you’re in Co. Clare, call us on 087 930 7575 to find out about our weight loss services.

Lose Pounds – Drink Water!

Switching to water can help you lose a substantial amount of weight - ditch your fizzy drink habit today!

Drinking water instead of fizzy drinks can help you lose 5% of your bodyweight (4 to 5 pounds), according to new research carried out at the University of North Carolina.

The research followed 318 people with a weight problem as they switched from fizzy drinks (like Coke, Fanta, Sprite and 7up) to sugar free alternatives and water. The study clearly showed that switching to water or diet soft drinks can be a simple way to lose weight.

Get Rid of Fizzy Drinks!

Switching to water had the greatest benefit and was linked to other important health improvements – like reduced blood sugar and better hydration levels. Reducing your blood sugar levels reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes – a dangerous illness that commonly affects people who are above a healthy weight. The study is published online and scheduled to appear in the March 2012 print issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Drink Water

Our advice is to totally avoid fizzy drinks – drink water instead! Fizzy drinks are full of sugar, and there is also evidence that they affect your bone health – some studies suggest that fizzy drink consumption increases your likelihood of getting brittle bones, or osteoporosis. Here are some quick tips to help make the change away from fizzy drinks:

  • Don’t buy fizzy drinks when you are doing your grocery shopping – if they’re not in the house, you’ll be less likely to drink them
  • Keep water easily available – on your desk at work, in a jug on your kitchen table, or in a bottle in the fridge
  • Does your tap water taste bad? Get a filter, or buy bottled water
  • Add some slices of lemon, lime or orange (or all three!) to give water an extra zing!
  • Be careful of fruit juices as even pure fruit juice is full of free sugar – dilute fruit juice with mineral water
  • Like the fizz? Use sparkling water and add a twist of lemon as a healthier alternative to fizzy drinks
  • If you are trying to lose weight, drink a glass of water before a meal, and drink water with your meal
  • Try switching to herbal teas – a great alternative to fizzy drinks

Stay Hydrated

A good way to check your hydration level is to keep an eye on your pee. It should be light coloured and relatively non-smelly. If it is dark coloured and strong smelling, drink more water.

The Bottom Line

If you’re watching your weight, fizzy drinks are a disaster! Switch to water & herbal teas today. It’ll help you shed pounds, and reduce your risk for some really nasty illnesses. You’ll also save yourself a fortune.

If you’re in the Shannon area and need help with weight loss, find out more about our services: contact us or give us a call on 087 930 7575.

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

colaType 2 Diabetes is on the increase. It’s a major cause of ill-health, and it will knock roughly 15 years off your lifespan if you get it.

To make matters worse, people are getting the disease at a younger age. There was a time when people got Type 2 Diabetes in their 40s, but now it’s beginning to affect teenagers. What’s causing this deadly epidemic?

Poor lifestyle habits.

Yep, you heard me…we’re doing it to ourselves with our unhealthy habits.

According to the World Health Organisation, the disease is largely preventable, and there are simple steps you can take to reduce your risk.

One of the main causes of Type 2 Diabetes is being overweight. If you are overweight, do something about it now!

Get Active

Regular physical activity reduces the risk for a range of illnesses, not just diabetes. Aim to be physically active on most days, and build physical activity into your daily life.

  • Walk or cycle to work or school
  • Park at the back of the car park when you do your shopping – give yourself further to walk!
  • Get off the bus one or two stops early, and walk the rest of the way
  • Avoid elevators & escalators – use the stairs instead
  • Have an active lunch break – go for a short walk or run
  • Limit the amount of time you & your family watch television – play a board game together instead
  • Play active games – you’re never too old to play catch or frisbee
  • Take part in regular organised physical activities. If you’re not interested in sport, why not try dance, yoga, tai chi, or other non-competitive activities


  • Don’t eat sugar or sugary foods – you don’t need sugar, and it’s bad for you
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Cut out refined carbohydrates – pasta, bread, cakes and biscuits
  • Limit your consumption of potatoes and rice
  • Drink water or milk instead of fizzy drinks

If you are overweight, make the simple changes outlined above – and give yourself time. If you need extra help, check out our services. You didn’t put the weight on overnight, so don’t expect to shift it overnight!

Photo by: JohnGoode licensed under Creative Commons